Pencil Study (1) - July 2013 - A2
The above study was completed in July before I had confirmed my project proposal so it bears no relevance to it. It's from a photograph that I took recently. He interested me because of his unusual attire and he was playing a keyboard in the street - a crowd had gathered round. He was wearing this bizarre cloak. I have included it because it took about 7 hours to complete. I can see now that I should have included the background in the drawing. The hands are also slightly out of proportion because he was moving as the photograph was taken. I think there should be a broader range of tones and that the darkest tone should be much darker. I know there is an issue with using photographs because detail is lost but in the absence of a model sometimes there is no alternative. I should add that 95% of the drawings in my sketchbook are from life.
Study (2) on a toned background - Oil pastel and Charcoal - A2
I was exploring the'symbolism of the shirt' - how it was almost exclusively made by women but worn by men. I was playing around with the notion that putting the shirt on was symbolic of a woman reclaiming some of her power. I did some short studies from life and took some photographs to work from.. I think the idea is ok but I don't think the image itself is working on any level. The initial drawing was working until I started in with oil pastels (which I don't like) and I lost all expression in the lines. The pose is also wrong and isn't saying anything.
Study 3 - .Charcoal and Acrylic wash - A3
This was an attempt at loosening up my approach and I began drawing with a wash of acrylic and fine paintbrush instead of a hard edge. I then firmed up the shape with charcoal.
Study 4 - Charcoal - A3
Study 5 - Charcoal - A3
I think I went through these last few efforts trying to decide on which media to use. I favour charcoal at the moment.
I now need to focus on the four drawings required for this first assignment and they all need to relate to the final proposal. Perhaps I'm having difficulty because I'm not referencing a particular style in my drawing. I've looked at Paula Rego, Jenny Saville, Nicola Hicks, Rita Duffy, Giacometti among numerous others but many of these styles are sketchy and informative rather than very finished pieces in themselves. I'm just not sure if I should be referencing another artist's style for this particular assignment.
Plan for 4 pieces for Assignment
1. Drawing - Figurative - Female figure putting on a shirt
2. Drawing - Still Life - Things associated with sewing/domesticity
3. Drawing - Portrait - Sewing/making
4. Drawing - Toned Ground - Still Life - As no2
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