Sunday 9 March 2014

Assignment 2 - Test Piece

This series of images shows progression of background preparation for test piece.  I tore strips of shirt fabric and created a weave. The weave was glued to a canvas board and left to dry overnight.  The surface was then primed with white acrylic and over painted with burnt umber.  I was concerned about just applying a piece of fabric to a support without thinking through the concept behind it.  The weave has a number of connections to the project.  Firstly, it makes the construction of the fabric visible by enlarging the warp and weft. It displays a manner of construction that is a centuries old process. The process of weaving has mythical and spiritual connotations.  During the course of my research, I have found that the 'grid' produced by the process of weaving has functioned as a metaphor in the practice of many notable female artists.  

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