Sunday 1 June 2014

Second Course Plan

On completion of Assignment 2, the course plan has inevitably changed

My revised Artist's statement outlines the changes in my thinking and in direction as a result of my contextual research and material investigations.

This inevitably impacts on my course plan.  I have many strands of thoughts and ideas that have taken me in many directions in terms of the research I have carried out.  I anticipate that the Contextual Studies part of the course will also bear fruit as I continue my investigations etc.

This next stage will allow me to synthesise this research along with the material investigations that I have made and will continue to make in this next assignment (3).

Planned Completion of Assignment Three - 15th August 2014 (10 weeks with holiday)

Planned Completion of Assignment Four - 15th December 2014 (17 weeks)

Planned Completion of Assignment Five - 16th June 2015 (26 weeks)

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